ohya a small THANKS shoutout to the lovely Miss Angie Loong who kindly reminded me and us about the awesome history we had in Italy last year..
we left the nest,
at this very exact date,
for an adventure so great,
that we never saw it coming..
everyone did and i can guarantee enjoyed themselves to the MAX, and it was truly a life-changing experience, for the mind, for the heart, for the soul..
some of us still keep in touch, some lost, unfortunately..
lets talk about my experience. fate brought me and the Gentile family together and they were my loves for 2 months. vividly, i can still smell the aroma of pasta at the doorway and the smile on my host dad's face when he sees us, right after i come back from school with Francesco. vividly, i can still feel the cold and the sunlight pouring into my room on my skin, on a beautiful Sunday morning. vividly, i can still hear my host dad screaming my name from outside :'' Eugenio! venire qui!'' " perche?'' (grumpy tone cause just-woke-up syndrome) ''come here to cut woods!''.. -.-
vividly, i still remember the touch of my host cat's fur on my lap, when she's asleep, and the way she played with me, like no other animal did. vividly, the image of me playing volleyball with the rest of my classmates and the way we laughed so hard after a great match can be heard still, ringing distantly. vividly, the overwhelming feeling of gratitude and excitement still crawls on my skin every time when my mind takes me on a trip back to Rome. the Colosseo, the to-die-for cup of espresso, cappucino, ciocolata calda, to arrays of mouth watering gelatoooosss!.. still gives me goosebumps, and made me crave them even MORE!
when i roam back to that 2 month time, i really wished that, Lady Luck was there with me, so that i can make a 'freeze time' wish and she can grant it for me. throughout my 18 years of life, i can say that this is one of the greatest give from God to me. my love to Italy and to them is endless, and my story in Italy will definitely be passed down to the next generation..
instead of words...
yet, still, pictures are not enough to express..
how much i miss my 2 months, in paradise...
from Russia, with love,
You will always, ALWAYS
be my first love..
la manco L'Italia
saro di ritorno presto
ti amo..
damn if i don't miss it too~~~ ;P